PBAF logo 70+ Financial institutions - $ 16 + Trillion in total assets


Are you interested in joining the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials? 

Please follow this four step process. For additional questions please contact Wijnand Broer.

Step 1: Send us a request for the ‘Introduction to PBAF’ leaflet

On this page we will explain de general steps in joining PBAF. For a more detailed description please contact Wijnand Broer to receive the ‘Introduction to PBAF’ leaflet. Don’t hesitate to also plan a call to discuss participation.

Step 2: Decide if you want to join as a partner or a supporter

Financial institutions can join the PBAF as a ‘partner’ or as a ‘supporter’.

  • Partners cooperate and share knowledge and their experiences in the various working group. They actively contribute to the development of the PBAF Standard, decide on the plans of action of PBAF (like the selection of topics for Working Groups) and receive active support on biodiversity impact and dependency assessment (like training and support in case studies). A small financial contribution is requested from partners.
  • Supporters support the objective of PBAF and you will receive regular updates on new developments in the area of biodiversity impact and dependency assessment in the financial sector. Supporters are not expected to actively join PBAF Working Groups. No financial contribution is requested from supporters. Supporters can decide to become a partner, for example if they want to be involved in one or more of the working groups, are interested in active support or simply because they have more time available to become active as a partner.

Why become a PBAF Partner?

PBAF partners receive the following benefits:

  • Introduction to biodiversity impact and dependency assessment in the financial sector through (individual) online training for their organisation.
  • Support in taking the first steps in biodiversity footprinting.
  • Participation in the development of impact and dependency assessment principles. Development of these principles will be based on the output of PBAF Working Groups focusing on specific topics, supported by experts. Topics are decided on by the PBAF partners.
  • Participation in (on-line) meetings to share practical experiences regarding biodiversity impact and dependency assessment by financial institutions (case studies).
  • Regular online updates on the ins and outs of other initiatives relevant to biodiversity accounting in the financial sector, like the work of the Taskforce on Nature related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), the EU Taxonomy, the work of the UNEP-Finance Initiative on biodiversity targets, ENCORE and initiatives following the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge.

See the PBAF partners and supporters that already joined PBAF.

Step 3: Do you wish to join as a partner?

Please contact Wijnand Broer to receive a PBAF partner agreement for countersigning.

Step 3: Do you wish to join as a supporter?

Please send your request to join as a PBAF supporter to Wijnand Broer and add the contact details of the PBAF contact person within your organization. This person will receive the PBAF updates. There is no need to sign an agreement.

Step 4: Welcome to PBAF!

We will contact you to provide your logo, a short description of your organization, your total financial assets and a quote, so we can introduce your organisation on our website.

Looking forward to a fruitful cooperation!