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DGB Financial Group joins the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials

DGB Financial Group joins the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials

Not even two weeks after announcing our first supporter from the Asia region, DGB Financial Group from South-Korea is also joining the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF) as a supporter! 

Kim Tae-oh, CEO of DGB Financial Group states the importance of joining PBAF: "DGB Financial Group is very happy to join PBAF. We take the impact we make on biodiversity as a financial company seriously, including the effects it has on our lives, society and above all on the next generation. As a financial company, we will work together with PBAF to measure and manage the impact of our activities on biodiversity and climate change. In addition, we will spread our activities so that our major stakeholders can also participate in protecting biodiversity."

The PBAF team is excited that DGB Financial Group is joining the partnership and welcomes them as a supporter!

About DGB Financial Group
DGB Financial Group, which was launched in 2011, has grown into a comprehensive financial group with ten subsidiaries of DGB Daegu Bank, HI Investment&Securities, DGB Life, DGB Capital, Hi Asset Management, DGB U Pay, DGB Data System and DGB Credit Information, Hi Investment Partners, Newsystock. DGB Financial Group is emerging as a global comprehensive financial group from local to global and beyond through maximized synergy among subsidiaries, leadership in digital finance, and group-level integration. On the strength of our network consisting of 267 locations in Korea and across five countries overseas, we deliver end-to-end financial services that cater to the varying needs of customers and stakeholders. DGB Financial Group 'leads the way in the new normal era through ESG management' by 'achieving sustainability management finance performance with ESG as the basis' under the mission 'Create a world everyone dreams of through friendly finance'. For more information please visit: http://www.dgbfg.co.kr/

About the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF)
The Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF) develops the ‘PBAF Standard’. The PBAF Standard enables financial institutions to assess and disclose impact and dependencies on biodiversity of loans and investments. PBAF provides practical guidance to financial institutions on biodiversity impact and dependency assessment and defines what is needed in order for these assessments (either or not conducted by data providers) to deliver the right information to financial institutions. With this information financial institutions can effectively manage and report on biodiversity related risks and opportunities and contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. For more information please visit: https://pbafglobal.com/about-pbaf