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Hana Financial Group joins the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials

Hana Financial Group joins the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials

We are very excited to announce that Hana Financial Group is joining PBAF as a supporter. 

A statement of the organisation about their motivation and the importance of joining PBAF: "Hana Financial Group declared "Big Step for Tomorrow" as a long term ESG strategy, aiming to contribute to transition of low-carbon economy. HFG strives to achieve carbon-neutrality by adopting the PCAF assessment standard and set the financial emissions reducing goal of SBT. And now HFG expands its climate-focused environmental issues to the ECO-System. The loss of biodiversity is growing every year. Hana Financial Group recognizes the importance of addressing biodiversity issues we are facing, including deforestation, overfishing and illegal wildlife. In order to protect our planet, HFG will work together with others in the PBAF network to contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity." 

The PBAF team welcomes Hana Financial Group to the partnership and is looking forward to a valuable collaboration.

About Hana Financial Group

Starting as Korea Investment Finance in 1971, transforming into Hana Bank in 1991, and then taking off as a comprehensive financial group in 2005, Hana Financial Group makes value-oriented leaps based on a customer-centric, innovative, future-ready business model to become the best financial group in Asia. The Group aims to achieve nine key tasks in order to promote the implementation of a low-carbon economic system, contribute to society through finance, and make decisions based on transparency and responsible management.

About the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF)

The Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF) develops the ‘PBAF Standard’. The PBAF Standard enables financial institutions to assess and disclose impact and dependencies on biodiversity of loans and investments. PBAF provides practical guidance to financial institutions on biodiversity impact and dependency assessment and defines what is needed in order for these assessments (either or not conducted by data providers) to deliver the right information to financial institutions. With this information financial institutions can effectively manage and report on biodiversity related risks and opportunities and contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. For more information please visit: https://pbafglobal.com/about-pbaf