PBAF logo 70+ Financial institutions - $ 16 + Trillion in total assets
Join the webinar for the official launch of the PBAF Standard v2022

Join the webinar for the official launch of the PBAF Standard v2022

With much excitement we are announcing the launch of the PBAF Standard v2022 on Tuesday the 14th of June at 10.00-11.35 CEST during an online webinar. The PBAF Standard v2022 will support financial institutions in the assessment and disclosure of impacts on biodiversity of their loans and investments. 

The online launch includes several inspirational speakers, including Annelisa Grigg, Board member of the PBAF Foundation, Giel Linthorst, Executive Director of PCAF and Director of Sustainable Finance at Guidehouse and Roel Nozeman, PBAF Programme Director, who will share first insights into the 2022 Standard.

We will finish the webinar with a panel discussion on the PBAF Standard v2022 and its position in relation to other initiatives. Panelists are Robert-Alexandre Poujade, Biodiversity lead at BNP Paribas, Emily Mc. Kenzie, Technical Director at TNFD, Erin Court, Manager Impact and ESG at FMO and Wijnand Broer, PBAF Programme Manager. Moderater of the panel discussion is Caroline van Leenders, Transition Manager Greening the financial sector at the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature & food quality. 

We are looking forward to seeing you on the 14th of June!

Please register using the following link: Launch PBAF Standard v2022

Agenda Launch PBAF Standard v2022, 14 June, 10.00-11.35 CEST


Opening by Host Caroline van Leenders, Transition Manager Greening the financial sector, Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature & food quality

10.05 -10.10

Welcome, Annelisa Grigg, board member of the PBAF Foundation

10.15 -10.35

The Story of The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF), Giel Linthorst, Executive director PCAF, Director Sustainable finance Guidehouse

10.35 -10.55

The PBAF Standard version 2022, Roel Nozeman, Programme Chair PBAF

10.55 -11.35

Panel to reflect on the PBAF Standard v2022 and its position in relation to other initiatives. Including a Q&A

  • Robert-Alexandre Poujade, Biodiversity lead, BNP Paribas

  • Erin Court ,Manager Impact and ESG, FMO 

  • Emily Mc.Kenzie, Technical Director TNFD

  • Wijnand Broer, Programme Manager PBAF

  • Moderator: Caroline van Leenders


Closing of the webinar by Annelisa Grigg, board member of the PBAF Foundation