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OP Financial Group joins the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials

OP Financial Group joins the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials

We are very excited to announce that OP Financial Group is joining PBAF as a partner. A statement of the organisation about their motivation and the importance of joining PBAF:
“By joining the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Standards OP Financial Group takes an important step in implementing its Biodiversity Roadmap. Developing common standards for biodiversity metrics for financial institutions is meaningful and we are pleased to contribute to the PBAF work as well as share our experiences. OP strongly promotes biodiversity in cooperation with its customers and stakeholders. We are aiming to be a pioneer, inspiring other actors to take account of biodiversity in their operations.”

The PBAF team welcomes OP Financial Group to the partnership and is looking forward to a valuable collaboration.

About OP Group

OP Financial Group, owned by its customers, is Finland’s largest financial services group. Our mission is to promote the sustainable prosperity, security and wellbeing of our owner-customers and operating region.

OP Financial Group is made up of 102 OP cooperative banks (31 December 2023) and the central cooperative which they own, including its subsidiaries and affiliated entities. Over 2.1 million owner-customers own the OP cooperative banks and thereby the entire OP Financial Group with a staff of approximately 13,000. The Group’s vision is to be the leading and most appealing financial services group in Finland for our customers, employees and partners.

About the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF)

The Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF) develops the ‘PBAF Standard’. The PBAF Standard enables financial institutions to assess and disclose impact and dependencies on biodiversity of loans and investments. PBAF provides practical guidance to financial institutions on biodiversity impact and dependency assessment and defines what is needed in order for these assessments (either or not conducted by data providers) to deliver the right information to financial institutions. With this information financial institutions can effectively manage and report on biodiversity related risks and opportunities and contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. For more information please visit: https://pbafglobal.com/about-pbaf