PBAF logo 70+ Financial institutions - $ 16 + Trillion in total assets
Our 30th financial institution, Arboreal B.V., has just joined the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials!

Our 30th financial institution, Arboreal B.V., has just joined the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials!

With much excitement the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF) is announcing the joining of it's 30th participant Arboreal B.V.! Arboreal B.V. will be joining as a supporter and we are looking forward to a valuable collaboration with them. 

The PBAF team is very excited about the fast growth of the Partnership. The PBAF started with a core group of 6 financial institutions at the beginning of 2020 and has grown into a partnership of 30 financial institutions from seven countries, with more joining us every month! It is very motivating to see that so many financial institutions are not only interested but actively willing to contribute and support our goal: A globally supported PBAF Standard that enables financial institutions to assess and disclose impact and dependencies on biodiversity of loans and investments.

The PBAF team again welcomes Arboreal B.V. as a supporter, and is looking forward to a very fruitful 2022!

About Arboreal B.V.
Arboreal B.V. is a carbon forestry asset manager with over 25 years of on the ground impact expertise. Through the large-scale reforestation of biodiverse productive forests, Arboreal aims to sequester and permanently store megatons of CO2 in the coming decades. Investments into biodiversity-enhanced CO2 certificates (VCU-CCB) generated by their forests, enable Arboreal to acquire land to restore biodiverse forest landscapes. Arboreal’s projects are based on the Generation Forest concept, which has been developed and refined by the company over more than two decades to achieve maximum impacts. Throughout their core business activities they: strengthen worker livelihoods, enhance indigenous economies, respect land rights, and mutually share knowledge. For more information please visit: https://arborealbv.com/

About the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF)
The Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF) develops the ‘PBAF Standard’. The PBAF Standard enables financial institutions to assess and disclose impact and dependencies on biodiversity of loans and investments. PBAF provides practical guidance to financial institutions on biodiversity impact and dependency assessment and defines what is needed in order for these assessments (either or not conducted by data providers) to deliver the right information to financial institutions. With this information financial institutions can effectively manage and report on biodiversity related risks and opportunities and contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. For more information please visit: https://pbafglobal.com/