PBAF logo 70+ Financial institutions - $ 15 + Trillion in total assets
The Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials welcomes 10 new signatories

The Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials welcomes 10 new signatories

In the last five months, 10 new signatories joined the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF) as a partner, premium supporter or supporter, bringing the total number of PBAF signatories to 67 from 19 countries.

Joining as PBAF partners: Emirates National Bank of Dubai (United Arabic Emirates), COMGEST S.A. (France), Just Group (UK), OP Financial Group (Finland), Asset Management One Co., Ltd. (Japan) and Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB) (Germany).
Joining as premium supporters: VP Capital (The Netherlands) and Norinchukin Bank (Japan).
Joining as supporter: Yuanta Financial Holding Company (Taiwan) and First Abu Dhabi Bank (United Arabic Emirates).

We welcome all of them to the partnership and are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation in the PBAF working groups and webinars! 

PBAF is currently running working groups on Asset management, Agriculture, Positive impact and Regulation. The groups focus on measuring impacts and dependencies on biodiversity/nature, the tools available to financial institutions and the use of the result in identifying nature-related financial risks, identifying nature-positive investment opportunities and disclosure. Participants receive the latest updates on initiatives, publications and tools and share and discuss practical experiences. 

PBAF’s mission is to contribute to mainstreaming and harmonizing biodiversity impact and dependency assessment in the financial sector. To achieve this, PBAF defines what is needed from data and tools to deliver science based, robust and fit for purpose information on the impact and dependencies of financial institutions on biodiversity in the 'PBAF Standard'. The Standard enables financial institutions to assess and disclose impacts and dependencies on biodiversity of their loans and investments using regulatory and voluntary disclosure standards in the market.

Interested in joining a PBAF working group and discussing biodiversity/nature-related topics with peers? Become a PBAF partner! More information: https://pbafglobal.com/join-pbaf